We're SVGRN and we create software for enterprise-ready tasks!
We truly believe that making simple things should be simple and not complicated or blown up just because you're working with a big company.
Our products serve each a simple task and come with enterprise suitable deployment, features and documentation!
Our mission is to provide sovereignity to your business needs and to simplify the integration tasks you need to accomplish!
We can do so as we have 20 years plus of enterprise IT experience and we know exactly, what eats both time and patience on all ends!
The setup routine needs which rights? You don't know? We better use domain-wide admin rights?
Your software does not support easy and transparent proxy settings? I am having a hard time in setting this up behind a standard enterprise architecture?
When the software is installed, I need to reverse-engineer the inbound and outbound ports for adjusting the firewall? Also, source and destination are not 100% clear and we need to consider a developer who does not know all ports, either?